What Happens to My Well if I Lose Power?
Learn how a power outage affects your well water supply and discover a practical, cost-effective solution to stay prepared. Explore the benefits of our hand pump kit, ensuring uninterrupted access to water when your electric pump can’t operate.

How to Hand Pump Water From a Well
Learn how to hand pump water from your well and stay prepared for emergencies when electricity fails. Discover the benefits of having a manual backup and how easy it is to install an Emergency Hand Pump Kit in your existing well system.

2024 Well Drilling Costs: What You Need to Know
Drilling a well is a crucial investment for homeowners, farmers, and communities needing a reliable water source. In 2024, the costs can vary widely based on several factors. Understanding these costs is essential for effective planning and budgeting. Click here for a comprehensive breakdown of what you can expect to spend on drilling a well this year.

Sycamore Woods Farm Installs an Emergency Well Hand Pump Kit
During the summer of 2022, Lee and Leah Santee undertook the installation of an emergency well hand pump kit on their property. They documented their journey, sharing insights and reflections in a video featured on their YouTube channel, "Sycamore Woods Farm."

How to Keep a Well Hand Pump from Freezing in the Winter
In regions prone to harsh weather, especially rural areas, preparing for emergencies like winter storms is crucial. Power outages are common during such events, making proactive measures like storing food and ensuring a reliable water source essential. Emergency well water pumps provide a dependable solution, but it's important to choose one that can withstand freezing temperatures for effectiveness during emergencies.

How Deep Should I Go With My Well Hand Pump?
How deep should I go with my well hand pump? Is deeper always better? There are multiple factors to take into account when deciding how deep to go with your hand pump that we discuss in this article.

4 reasons to invest in a water well hand pump backup.
Like many things, well water should not be taken for granted. Water well hand pumps can offer a reliable backup to manually access your well water. There are several reasons to consider owning a water well hand pump, but we have listed the top 4 reasons to invest in one as a backup for your well water.

Where is the best place to find thin wall PVC pipe for my hand pump?
One question we get often from our customers is where they can find thin wall PVC pipe locally. Our well hand pump kits require both 1 inch and 1/2 inch PVC pipes for installation. It is important to know which pipes to get, and where to get them.

Why our well hand pumps being made in the USA is important.
One great feature of our hand pump kits is the fact that they are 100% made in the United States of America. It was not an easy task to accomplish. It is far easier to make an affordable product with components sourced from all over the world. So the question has to be asked. Why would Epp Well Solutions require their hand pumps to be fully made in the USA, and why is this a good thing?

What is the best hand pump for water wells?
Hand pumps can be a great way to access the water you need during an emergency, this is much more desirable than having to store up water in tanks and storage containers. If you are considering a well hand pump, then you are probably wondering where to start and where to look for the best solution. There are many different brands and styles of hand pumps, all with their own pros and cons. We’ll take you through the most popular styles of hand pumps and in what situations they are most useful.

How to store up water for an emergency.
Emergencies happen all the time and can take on many forms. They can be a simple power outage for a few hours to a catastrophic snowstorm that leaves whole cities or counties crippled with no electricity for days or weeks. No matter the situation, it is always important to be prepared. In this article, we will take a look at some ways you can store up and secure your water to prepare for any emergencies.