4 reasons to invest in a water well hand pump backup.

It’s very easy to take well water for granted. Having a well is extremely convenient as you only need to pay for electricity and there is little worry about how much water is used, unless you are on a low yielding well.

Man Pumping Water From Well Pump

Like many things, well water should not be taken for granted. Having access to your well water under all circumstances is crucial. Whether it be for personal consumption, watering animals, or irrigation, access to clean water is a must.

Water well hand pumps can offer a reliable backup to manually access your well water. They are an excellent alternative to ensure you have access to water in case of an unforeseen circumstance. There are several reasons to consider owning a water well hand pump, but we have listed the top 4 reasons to invest in one as a backup for your well water.

#1. Owning a Hand Pump For Complete Off-Grid Living

For some people owning a hand pump is insurance to be able to access water in an emergency, but for those wanting to live off-grid, well hand pumps are a great option to be their primary water source. Living off-grid means there would not be the needed electricity for an electric well pump to pressurize the property/house. For those living off-grid, a different method of pumping the groundwater needs to be found or a completely different water source.

Wells are an excellent source of water due to the natural filtration of the ground, resulting in clean water extraction. For those living off-grid that are seeking access to clean water, a hand pump is an ideal choice. Well hand pumps are dependable and do not require electricity for extracting groundwater.

#2. Protection Against Regular Power Outages

Most homeowners on wells have electricity and pressurize their house via an electric well pump. This is a very convenient way of accessing the well water and is generally reliable. Oftentimes with wells being in more rural areas, power outages are just a part of normal life. With normal seasonal power outages causing the well pump to no longer function, there is no way to access clean water from the well.

That is why having an emergency well hand pump kit as a backup is handy. Well hand pumps when installed as a backup for emergencies or for normal power outages are like having an additional straw in a cup of water. In case the electric well pump doesn’t work because of a power outage, there would be a secondary way of extracting that groundwater from the well.

#3. A Backup for Unpredictable Natural Disasters

There are times when power outages can be more severe than the usual ones we experience. Natural disasters can strike unexpectedly, resulting in power outages that can last for days, weeks, or even longer. The absence of electricity not only affects the water supply from electric well pumps, but also makes it difficult to go out and obtain water from other sources.

This is where self-reliance is key. Having a hand pump gives peace of mind knowing that whatever emergency comes there will be a backup for accessing clean water.

#4. Clean Water When an Electric Well Pump Fails

When considering electric well pumps, it's important to keep in mind their lifespan. Typically, well pumps last anywhere from 8-15 years before needing to be replaced. Unfortunately, electric well pumps can fail unexpectedly, which can leave homeowners without access to clean water until a well pump company can come out to repair or replace it. Depending on the company, this can take quite some time.

It's essential to have a water well hand pump as a backup. In case your electric well pump breaks down and needs repair or replacement, the well hand pump would still provide access to your well water.

If you reside in an area where power outages are common or you live off the grid, it is highly advisable to have a backup plan for water supply. In the event of a natural disaster or an electric well pump failure, a well hand pump can come in handy. We suggest considering our affordable and user-friendly well hand pump kit for your well. To learn more, click the button below.


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